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We are excited and grateful to have a broad array of presenters and general interest topics. We?ve worked hard to ensure that the virtual modality of this conference will provide a convenient and interactive experience.
This web page serves as the meeting portal for v-NERIC 2021. By clicking the tabs at the top of this page, you can find the Meeting Agenda, Lightning Talk Information, NERIC Resources, and general information about the conference, the organizers, and the sponsors.
We are glad you are here, and we hope you enjoy the conference.
Best regards,
The v-NERIC 2021 Planning Committee
Bongsup Cho, PhD. RI-INBRE Program Director. University of Rhode Island (Chair)
Edward Hawrot, PhD. Advance CTR Program Coordinator. Brown University (Co-Chair)
Laura Arrighi, RI-INBRE Program Assistant. University of Rhode Island
Laura Bellavia, RI-INBRE Business Manager. University of Rhode Island
Christopher Hemme, PhD. RI-INBRE Director, Bioinformatics Core. University of Rhode Island
Samantha Meenach, PhD. RI-INBRE Director, Training Core. University of Rhode Island
Brett Pellock, PhD. RI-INBRE Program Coordinator. Providence College
Pamela Swiatek, PhD, MBA. Advance CTR Strategic Planning Coordinator. Brown University